Monday, August 17, 2009

Not for a moment...

I've been following the Michael Vick ordeal, and just moments ago, watched his interview with Jim Brown from 60 Minutes, which aired last night.

First, I am VERY skeptical about interview shows. I tried to look beyond the obviously staged questions, and edited format. What I really tried to look at was Michael's body language, his demeanor, and mostly, how he reacted to the mere mention of the animals.

Do I think MV is sorry. Absolutely. Do I think he is sorry for what he did as it relates to the animals he tortured, beat, raped, electrocuted, hung, violated and drowned? Not for a minute.

I am equally as disgusted with Wayne Pacelle for his part in this entire deal. Not so many days ago, the HSUS called me soliciting funds. I have donated in the past, and heck, who wouldn't support the Humans Society, right? They have lots and lots of video's showing rescues, and fights for all kinds of animals. Righteous? Looks that way. So, when I asked the woman from HSUS on the other end of the telephone line what percentage of the MILLIONS of dollars they raise actually goes to helping support animal shelters, she tried to change the subject by telling me ALL THE great things they accomplish. Once again, I asked the question. Once again, the run around. Finally, she got angry with me and hung up on me.

The way I see it is this: Michael Vick HAD to get back into football. Roger Goodell said OK because he had to. $$$ Ka-ching!

The Eagles signed him because...well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea why. I like football, but I am at least savvy enough to understand it is always about the $$$. So, do you think the deal is that whomever signed MV knows the throngs of folks will watch so they can cheer when he gets sacked and release some of their anger and frustration over the deal? Then, the advertisers will surely buy time, knowing the curiosity will be there. It's really not that hard to figure out. I guess a person could go on and on.

Did the guy pay his debt to society? The court says so.

Is he sorry? I think MV is damned sorry for what he did. Sorry because he got caught, sorry because his career took a HUGE step backward, sorry he has to go through all this SHIT when he really wants to just get back to his old football, be a celebrity, make tons of money, and live the high life. I think Michael Vick is plenty pissed off that he has to do all this other crap, but he's up for it, because he knows there will be a big reward, and that brings us back to $$$.

I really wanted to see his eyes, a small glimmer of remorse for the dogs...but it just was not was absent, and curiously, what really made him come alive was when the discussion turned to all the things he COULD do...he smiled, there was some joy...but it was about football, his career, making money...all about him. I saw nothing between the lines, and in his eyes that would have convinced yours truly of anything genuine.

I'm just saying...

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