Saturday, September 26, 2009

Public Hearing

The Smith/Kreitlow "puppy mill" bill went to public hearing last week. Please click on the link on my blog to review the testimony, which was overwhelmingly FOR this legislation.

BRAVO to all who attended (we were out of town), and testified.

Our hard work and energy have paid off, and hopefully our legislators will do the right thing and get this bill to Governor Doyle's desk. And, HE WILL SIGN IT INTO LAW.


Anonymous said...

U have some nerve do u even know what goes into raising dogs. How about a air conditioned building. The dogs we raise they have a better life then we do. Top notch care u name it. We put off going to the doctor so we can take our dogs to the people like u that ruin the professional bussiness of raising dogs. Do u try to stop cattle farming? No I didn't think so .there whole life is being raised just to be killed. Sounds pretty dumb being against something that give so many people joy. But its ok when it for food right. I think not

Unknown said...

You just don't get it do you. There is an over supply of dogs that have been bred as pure commodities to be discarded and replaced by the next "designer" breed. Just look at the numbers of dogs that are dumped in pounds or subjected to all forms of abuse. You have to take some rsponsibility for making dogs so accessible and disposable to the public. No puppies for profit! It has to be stopped.

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